Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Smoker's Rant

'If I was 19, your age, and someone gave me that crap, I'd say "it's non of your fucking business". It's my life and my business, so they can't say shit about my smoking'

Smoking is bad, we all know it and we all acknowledge it, but it's legal, so why continue to give me shit about my smoking habits? Perhaps its a platonic desire to save mankind from self-destruction, but if that was the case then how come I don't see the same enthusiasm about saving starving children in Somalia or eradicating disease in Africa? Perhaps it stems from being annoyed and irritated by the aroma of smoke, but since I'm not smoking near you or in your face, then why do you care? Perhaps it's because it doesn't make me smell like a daisy, but unless you're lying next to me in bed or share a bunk bed with me, you really can't complain.

Yes, smoking is bad, but has that idea been embedded in us so much that we furiously attack every smoker that we know, chain or social? Most of our parents smoked, almost all of out grandparents smoked, so why whine about us? "Smoking kills!" yes but so does diabetes and obesity and coronary heart failure, but I don't see anyone attacking another for loving McDonalds or Dunkin' Donuts. I understand that the mere idea of inhaling smoke from dried up burning leaves is stomach turning, but unless someone forces it down your throat or nostrils, what are you complaining about? Smoking is a very very very bad habit and in no way healthy; it destroys your health. However, if we allow people to eat till they're obese and have their coronary arteries clogged shut, then we really shouldn't ban smoking or even complain about others smoking.

Smoking has already been banned in all indoor facilities and most public spaces; smokers are finding it increasingly difficult to find a place to smoke in peace. Tobacco taxes are going through the roof, seriously damaging any smoker's wallet, what else do you want? Ban it completely? OK, fair enough, ban smoking, but please, in addition to that how about you also ban alcohol, cheese, mayonnaise, white sugar and boxing?

aaand today's rant is over :)

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